Long-read RGASP
The Long-read RNA-seq Genome Annotation Assessment Project (LRGASP) Consortium
is organizing a systematic evaluation of different methods for transcript
computational identification and quantification using long-read sequencing
technologies such as PacBio and Oxford Nanopore. We are interested in
characterizing the strengths and potential remaining challenges in using these
technologies to annotate and quantify the transcriptomes of both model and
non-model organisms.
The consortium will generate cDNA and direct RNA datasets using different platforms and protocols in human, mouse, and manatee samples. Participants will be provided with the data to generate annotations of expressed genes and transcripts as well as measure their expression levels. Evaluators from different institutions will determine which pipelines have the highest accuracy for different aspects that include transcription detection, quantification and differential expression.
Please join our mailing list to be informed about the status of the challenge.
Any questions please contact:
LRGASP challenge now open
The Long-read RNA-seq Genome Annotation Assessment Project challenge has now launched.
Data is now available here:
> Registration on Synapse for Submissions
> LRGASP Guidelines for Submission
Presentation on LRGASP submissions
The deadline for submissions has been extended to 8 October 2021.
Join this community effort and submit your predictions of transcript models and transcript quantification.
> List of consortium organizers
Detailed information (updated):
> Description of LRGASP Data and Evaluation
LRGASP evaluation results
> Challenge 1 preliminary results
> Performance evaluation in challenge 2
> Challenge 3 preliminary results
Recordings of consortium discussions
> May 2021